Hidden Disabilities

A visit to an Aquarium can be overwhelming for any child, and specially for special needs visitors due to factors like varying levels of music and lighting, breaks in routine and social interaction. This is why the Malta National Aquarium has implemented measures to suit the needs of visitors on the autism spectrum & other developmental/learning difficulties.

As a result of its efforts to provide an accessible and relaxing experience for individuals on the spectrum, the Malta National Aquarium received the ‘Autism Friendly Spaces’ quality label in January 2022.

We understand that not all disabilities are visible, and our team is here to fully support you to make your visit with us more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • Special opening hours
  • Sound adaptations
  • Social story
  • Adaptations on school visits
  • Quiet Room
  • Trained staff
  • Ear defenders, lanyard and fidgets available upon demand

More than awareness, we also need inclusion and acceptance. Autism is not a disability, it’s a special ability.


Special Opening Hours


To accommodate those with hidden disabilities who are overwhelmed by loud sounds and music we are offering earlier opening times upon request, during this time we will turn off the sound within the aquarium to make it a more peaceful atmosphere.

Additionally, we will be able to provide fidget toys and ear defenders. Visitors may also use the quiet room during this visit if they wish.

Please fill out this registration form below and our staff will be in touch with you:

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